The Four Disciplines of Execution by Stephen R. Covey

The Four Disciplines of Execution


Focus on the Critical
In business, survival depends on meeting objectives. Most failures in organizations today are not the result of a lack of smarts, they are caused by a lack of execution -- things just don't get done. Defining a clear strategy and setting goals is one thing, sticking to strategy and meeting those goals is quite another. The 4 Disciplines of Execution teaches how to focus on your top priorities and get the critical things accomplished. Whether you are a member of a team, lead a team, or lead an entire organization, this workshop will equip you to deliver on your top priorities consistently.
What You'll Learn
Four universal business disciplines that deliver results again and again:
a. Focus on the Wildly Important
b. Create a Compelling Scoreboard
c. Translate Lofty Goals into Specific Actions
d. Hold Each Other Accountable -- All of the Time


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