
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2019

Outliers: La historia del éxito por Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers: La historia del éxito por Malcolm Gladwell Instrucciones de descarga: Despues de presionar el link, espere 5 segundos y posteriormente presione el boton Saltar Publicidad (Skip AD) localizado en la parte superior derecha de la pagina emergente,  al hacerlo será redireccionado a la pagina de descarga. Enlaces de descarga (voz en español): http://keistaru.com/35Rl RESEÑA En este impresionante nuevo libro, Malcolm Gladwell nos lleva a un viaje intelectual a través del mundo de los "valores atípicos": lo mejor y lo más brillante, lo más famoso y lo más exitoso. Él hace la pregunta: ¿qué hace que los alumnos de alto rendimiento sean diferentes? Su respuesta es que prestamos demasiada atención a cómo son las personas exitosas y muy poca atención a su origen: es decir, su cultura, su familia, su generación y las experiencias idiosincrásicas de su educación. En el camino explica los secretos de los multimillonarios de software, lo que se necesita para ser un ...

Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers: The Story of Success by   Malcolm Gladwell Download instructions: After pressing the link, wait for 5 seconds in the popup window and then press the Skip Advertisement button located at the top right of the page, when doing so you will be redirected to the download page. DOWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE: http://keistaru.com/35IJ SUMMARY In this stunning new book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different? His answer is that we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. Along the way he explains the secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians are good ...

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by   Malcolm Gladwell Download instructions: After pressing the link, wait for 5 seconds in the popup window and then press the Skip Advertisement button located at the top right of the page, when doing so you will be redirected to the download page. DOWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE: http://keistaru.com/359S http://keistaru.com/359T S UMMARY In his #1 bestselling books  The Tipping Point ,  Blink , and  Outliers , Malcolm Gladwell has explored the ways we understand and change our world. Now he looks at the complex and surprising ways the weak can defeat the strong, the small can match up against the giant, and how our goals (often culturally determined) can make a huge difference in our ultimate sense of success. Drawing upon examples from the world of business, sports, culture, cutting-edge psychology, and an array of unforgettable characters around the wor...

El camino menos transitado: una nueva psicología del amor, los valores tradicionales y el crecimiento espiritual por M. Scott Peck

El camino menos transitado: una nueva psicología del amor, los valores tradicionales y el crecimiento espiritual por M. Scott Peck Instrucciones de descarga: Despues de presionar el link, espere 5 segundos y posteriormente presione el boton Saltar Publicidad (Skip AD) localizado en la parte superior derecha de la pagina emergente,  al hacerlo será redireccionado a la pagina de descarga. Enlaces de descarga (voz en español): http://keistaru.com/34tZ RESEÑA El camino menos transitado: una nueva psicología del amor, los valores tradicionales y el crecimiento espiritual 316 pp. "La psicoterapia es todo para todos en esta mega cuenca de la cuenca de la psicología pop, que presenta una nueva introducción del autor en esta edición del 25 aniversario. Su agenda en este tomo, que se publicó por primera vez en 1978, pero no se publicó". hasta convertirse en un éxito de ventas hasta 1983, es reconciliar la tradición psicoanalítica con las corrientes culturales en conflic...

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth by M. Scott Peck

The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth by   M. Scott Peck Download instructions: After pressing the link, wait for 5 seconds in the popup window and then press the Skip Advertisement button located at the top right of the page, when doing so you will be redirected to the download page. DOWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE: http://keistaru.com/34sP S UMMARY The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth 316 pp. "Psychotherapy is all things to all people in this mega-selling pop-psychology watershed, which features a new introduction by the author in this 25th anniversary edition. His agenda in this tome, which was first published in 1978 but didn't become a bestseller until 1983, is to reconcile the psychoanalytic tradition with the conflicting cultural currents roiling the 70s. In the spirit of Me-Decade individualism and libertinism, he celebrates self-actuali...

Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman

Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by   Liz Wiseman Download instructions: After pressing the link, wait for 5 seconds in the popup window and then press the Skip Advertisement button located at the top right of the page, when doing so you will be redirected to the download page. DOWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE: http://keistaru.com/34kr http://keistaru.com/34ks SUMMARY Are you a genius or a genius  maker ? We've all had experience with two dramatically different types of leaders. The first type drain intelligence, energy, and capability from the ones around them and always need to be the smartest ones in the room. These are the idea killers, the energy sappers, the diminishers of talent and commitment. On the other side of the spectrum are leaders who use their intelligence to amplify the smarts and capabilities of the people around them. When these leaders walk into a room, lightbulbs go off over people's heads, i...

The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer by Jeffrey K. Liker

The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer by   Jeffrey K. Liker Download instructions: After pressing the link a popup window will open, wait for 5 seconds and then press the Skip Advertisement button located at the top right of the page, when doing so you will be redirected to the download page. DOWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE: http://keistaru.com/34eZ http://keistaru.com/34ea http://keistaru.com/34eb S UMMARY "This book will give you an understanding of what has made Toyota successful and some practical ideas that you can use to develop your own approach to business."--Gary Convis, Managing Office of Toyota Fewer man-hours. Less inventory. The highest quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer. In factories around the globe, Toyota consistently raises the bar for manufacturing, product development, and process excellence. The result is an amazing business success story: stea...

Descubriendo el alma del servicio: los nueve conductores del éxito empresarial sostenible por Leonard L. Berry

Descubriendo el alma del servicio: los nueve conductores del éxito empresarial sostenible por Leonard L. Berry Instrucciones de descarga: Despues de presionar el link, espere 5 segundos y posteriormente presione el boton Saltar Publicidad (Skip AD) localizado en la parte superior derecha de la pagina,  al hacerlo será redireccionado a la pagina de descarga. Enlaces de descarga (voz en español): http://keistaru.com/34QS RESEÑA Este sabio e inspirador libro de Leonard Berry, va mucho más allá de su trabajo pionero en servicios de mercadotecnia y calidad de servicio para explicar cómo las grandes compañías de servicios enfrentan su desafío más difícil: mantener el éxito a largo plazo. En un mundo donde los clientes consideran productos impecables como un servicio dado, el servicio es el diferenciador clave entre los competidores en cualquier campo. Del riguroso estudio de Berry sobre catorce compañías maduras, altamente exitosas y que requieren mucha mano de obra, sur...

Discovering the Soul of Service: The Nine Drivers of Sustainable Business Success by Leonard L. Berry

Discovering the Soul of Service: The Nine Drivers of Sustainable Business Success by   Leonard L. Berry Download instructions: After pressing the link, wait for 5 seconds and then press the Skip Advertisement button located at the top right of the page, when doing so you will be redirected to the download page. DOWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE: http://keistaru.com/34Py S UMMARY This wise and inspiring book by Leonard Berry, moves far beyond his pioneering work in services marketing and service quality to explain how great service companies meet their toughest challenge: sustaining long-term success. In a world where customers regard flawless products as a given, service is the key differentiator between competitors in any field. From Berry's exacting study of fourteen mature, highly successful, labor-intensive companies comes an astonishing revelation: the single most important factor in building a lasting service business is not a matter of savvy busine...

The Power Of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential by Leo Babauta

The Power Of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essential by   Leo Babauta Download instructions: After pressing the link, wait for 5 seconds and then press the Skip Advertisement button located at the top right of the page, when doing so you will be redirected to the download page. D OWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE: http://keistaru.com/34H0 S UMMARY With the countless distractions that come from every corner of a modern life, it's amazing that were ever able to accomplish anything.  The Power of Less  demonstrates how to streamline your life by identifying the essential and eliminating the unnecessary freeing you from everyday clutter and allowing you to focus on accomplishing the goals that can change your life for the better. The Power of Less  will show you how to: Break any goal down into manageable tasks Focus on only a few tasks at a time Create new and productive habits Hone your focus Increase your efficie...

The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business by Patrick Lencioni

The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business by   Patrick Lencioni Download instructions: After clicking on the links, wait 5 seconds in the popup window, then click on the Skip advertising button to go to the download page. D OWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE: http://keistaru.com/2FUh http://keistaru.com/2FUi S UMMARY There is a competitive advantage out there, arguably more powerful than any other. Is it superior strategy? Faster innovation? Smarter employees? No,  New York Times  best-selling author, Patrick Lencioni, argues that the seminal difference between successful companies and mediocre ones has little to do with what they know and how smart they are and more to do with how healthy they are. In this book, Lencioni brings together his vast experience and many of the themes cultivated in his other best-selling books and delivers a first: a cohesive and comprehensive exploration of th...

The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service by Lee Cockerell

The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service by   Lee Cockerell Download instructions: After clicking on the links, wait 5 seconds in the popup window, then click on the Skip advertising button to go to the download page. D OWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE http://keistaru.com/26Jf S UMMARY The former EVP of Walt Disney World shares indispensible Rules for serving customers with consistency, efficiency, creativity, sincerity, and excellence. Lee Cockerell knows that success in business – any business - depends upon winning and keeping customers. In 39 digestible, bite-sized chapters, Lee shares everything he has learned in his 40+ year career in the hospitality industry about creating an environment that keeps customers coming back for more. Here, Lee not only shows why the customer always rules, but also the Rules for serving customers so well they'll never want to do business with anyone but you. For ...

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done by Larry Bossidy

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done by   Larry Bossidy Download instructions: After clicking on the links, wait 5 seconds in the popup window, then click on the Skip advertising button to go to the download page. DOWNLOAD LNKS ENGLISH VOICE http://keistaru.com/26GU http://keistaru.com/26GV SUMMARY "Execution  may very well be the best business book of the year, and one of the most useful to have come around in a long time. This smart and pithy book focuses on a simple though vexing challenge: How can the leaders of an organization exhort their people to deliver on the most important goals?.... It's rare to find a book like this that blends smart practice with intelligent articulation of how to get things done. Do yourself a favor. Buy it."  -- The Boston Globe "Making all of the moving parts of an organization function smoothly together is just plain hard work. By describing how he has done it, Mr. ...

Radical Candor: Be a Kickass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Malone Scott

Radical Candor: Be a Kickass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by   Kim Malone Scott Download instructions: After clicking on the links, wait 5 seconds in the popup window, then click on the Skip advertising button to go to the download page. DOWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE http://keistaru.com/26DX http://keistaru.com/26DY SUMMARY From the time we learn to speak, we’re told that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. While this advice may work for everyday life, it is, as Kim Scott has seen, a disaster when adopted by managers. Scott earned her stripes as a highly successful manager at Google and then decamped to Apple, where she developed a class on optimal management. She has earned growing fame in recent years with her vital new approach to effective management, the “radical candor” method. Radical candor is the sweet spot between managers who are obnoxiously aggressive on one side and ruinously empathetic on the other. I...

Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success by Kerry Patterson

Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success by   Kerry Patterson Download instructions: After clicking on the links, wait 5 seconds in the popup window, then click on the Skip advertising button to go to the download page. DOWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE http://keistaru.com/268i http://keistaru.com/268j SUMMARY A stunning new approach to how individuals can not only change their lives for the better in the workplace, but also their lives away from the office, including (but not limited to) finding ways to improve one's working relationship with others, one's overall health, outlook on life, and so on. For example, why is it that 95% of all diet attempts fail? Why do New Year's Resolutions last no more than a few days? Why can't people with good intentions seem to make consistent and positive strides in the way they want to improve their careers, financial fitness, physical fitness, and so on? Based upon the la...

Influencer : The Power to Change Anything by Kerry Patterson

Influencer : The Power to Change Anything by   Kerry Patterson Download instructions: After clicking on the links, wait 5 seconds in the popup window, then click on the Skip advertising button to go to the download page. DOWNLOAD LINKS ENGLISH VOICE http://keistaru.com/2631 http://keistaru.com/2632 SUMMARY Whether you're a CEO, a parent, or merely a person who wants to make a difference, you probably wish you had more influence with the people in your life. "Influencer" a thought-provoking book that combines the remarkable insights of behavioral scientists and business leaders with the astonishing stories of high-powered influencers from all walks of life.

Raving Fans: un enfoque revolucionario para el servicio al cliente por Kenneth H. Blanchard

Raving Fans: un enfoque revolucionario para el servicio al cliente por Kenneth H. Blanchard ENLACES DE DESCARGA VOZ EN ESPAÑOL http://keistaru.com/25o6 RESEÑA "Sus clientes solo están satisfechos porque sus expectativas son muy bajas y porque a nadie más le está yendo mejor. El hecho de tener clientes satisfechos ya no es lo suficientemente bueno. Si realmente desea un negocio en auge, tiene que crear Raving Fans". Esto, en pocas palabras, es el consejo que se le dio a un nuevo Gerente de Área en su primer día: en un libro de negocios extraordinario que ayudará a todos, en cualquier tipo de organización o empresa, a brindar un servicio al cliente sorprendente y lograr resultados finales milagrosos. . Escrito en el estilo de la parábola de The One Minute Manager, Raving Fans usa una historia brillante y simple para enseñar cómo definir una visión, aprender lo que realmente quiere un cliente, instituir sistemas efectivos y hacer de Raving Fan Service una caracterís...